These can be really hit and miss, especially many of the claimed 'health measurements'. :)
I've bought a few different models from different OEM's over the last few years and while you should simply forget about 'blood pressure' and 'blood sugar' monitoring via a smart watch (no matter what the OEM claims).
The other more basic features that seemingly all 'fitness' bands/watches have this product will likely do as well.
I'll admit to being suckered into a VERY EXPENSIVE 'smart watch' from a major OEM that required charging every night (so much for monitoring my sleep while the watch was on the charger) and had a mere fraction of the features that the current crop of products have. (it is now a very expensive 'pet rock')
IDK if this (or others) are more or less attractive to wear than what is offered by the major OEM brands but at a mere fraction of the cost, if you willing to take a gamble it might actually work out to be worth it. :)
You just have to take the list of 'abilities' with a grain of salt. :)
The Kospetfit from iHeal 5 is another new smartwatch currently on sale. According to the manufacturer, it is equipped with ECG, blood sugar and blood pressure measurement as well as many other functions relating to health, sport and the like, but only costs the equivalent of less than $50.