This must have been a garbage article generated by some Large Language Model / ChatGPT shenanigans. It really is a shame to see such obvious scam on the same website that has excellent laptop reviews and amazing benchmark lists. Please respect yourself. Respect your own reputation! It's OK to post very few articles per week, as long as you keep doing the quality testing and reviews you always do.
I trust you because you do make great in-depths reviews. I trust you to keep up the great work, and never, I say NEVER do this shitty scam article ever again. Please. Thank you.
These guys are high right? This laptop has NEVER been on sale for $1300. It's price has always fluctuated between $130 and $250. eMMC storage, 4gb DDR4 memory, and a Celeron?! If this site knew *anything* about laptops it would know from specs alone that this is not a sale or even a good price.
The HP 14" HD Laptop Ultralight, designed for students and business users, is now available for just $255.99. This versatile laptop offers a seamless blend of portability, performance, and everyday functionality.