Does anyone proofread anything anymore?? Seriously, did you not once re-read your article title? You're talking about a dive computer, something which goes underwater and definitely should not 'leak'. Yes, once the article has been read it's obvious that you're talking about an industry 'leak', not water leaking into the product. But come on, the title fully makes it sound like it's going to be about a product recall or something. If I was Garmin, I would not be happy with you.
Sorry for moaning, but poorly written, nonsensical headlines seem to be more and more common these days for internet articles. Please, for everyone's sanity, just take a moment to re-read OUT LOUD your articles before posting them. Thanks.
Let's never start a article on dive watches with the word leak. I only opened the article to see what watches to avoid. Are you trying to Sink Google stock?
It seems that Garmin is preparing to release new dive computer smartwatches under its Descent series. Next up are Descent Mk3 smartwatches, which will be available in two sizes with optional Subwave technology support.