Ok, time and time again: can OEM's 'shoe horn' powerful parts into laptops? Sure.
However can they keep those parts (and the laptop) from overheating without a TON of fan noise? Well - sometimes yes and sometimes not so much.
While one would think that the 16" form factor would be easier to cool (possible larger fans and vents) than their smaller 14" counter parts one begins to appreciate the "boat anchors" "Alienware" creates with their gaming laptops with regard to thermal management.
Unacceptable to release a laptop in 2023 worse than a Legion from 2021 specially the temperatures. It can be seen from the design it do not have the usual 4 necessary vents.
The HP Victus 16 is one of the few budget laptops on the market with an Intel Core i5-13500HX processor. How does it hold up against modern-day games when paired with an entry-level graphics card? Read on to find out more.