is the 3dmark than running at normal speed or is everything slow? have you checked your specs e.g. with sisoft sandra, if there is any memory problem or cpu related. try a linux cd to find out if it is a hardware problem. otherwise reinstalling might be the only solution.
I just reinstalled windows mce sp2 again (original) and updated all drivers.
but when i want to load a exe i take ages before it starts
when i open taskmanager i see the whole programm loading up into explorer.exe
lets say i want to open 3dmark06 wich is 580mb explorer counts up to 600mb twice then when its back 20mb the setup will open and that takes like 1min:S
Whats wrong with my pc?
who can help me srry i post on a german site but any other sites wont help me and here i got many answers:P