Quote from: Watercooling laptop on March 13, 2023, 16:04:48I'm super annoyed you didn't provide the watercooled performance data. I love how you write it off with oh laptops don't need watercooling... I see everyone else's comments about noise heat and performance but I know the author is aware that performance is 10 to 15 percent better with watercooling enabled on beast mode and that noise is about as quiet as a laptop gets when it's watercooled. Oh and Temps are great when it's water cooled in beast mode... and what's with the slow ram why didn't you pick the good stuff off the website?
It was provided, so it's not the reviewer's fault it had slow RAM. It's silly, because 5600MT/s ram adds a lot of performance at minimal markup. As does the LPP
I'm with you on watercooling, the reviewer is flat wrong. It's brilliant for a performance laptop. I did my own hybrid instantly-detachable WC mod years ago on a beast 6kg 2 inch thick Clevo P870 and it reduced 60dBa of fans that can be heard from the other end of the house, to medium at most (no more noise cancelling headphones), and removed all thermal throttles even when benching 2x >200W GPUs and a 4.9ghz 9900K. I had all the 3dmark records for 9900K/1080M SLI on the first day of testing with meh RAM and no tweaking, I still have the FS Ultra #1 3 years later, it's that much better than just air. It completely transforms the experience when it's docked on my main desk. And this hardware looks like it will be more portable without sacrificing performance, which is what I've been waiting for.
Also specific to Eluktronics is the enthusiast Prema BIOS. If you want a unit to tinker and tweak and extract best possible performance, his modded BIOSes are the best option for that. It's really important for a reviewer to mention this.
If this unit does have PremaBIOS, then these results are far better than what you'd get on a stock unit from a cheaper reseller.
If this unit doesn't (early? Prerelease?) then expect even bigger performance margins between it and every other model left in its wake