If you're a developer and using Swedish / Nordic keyboard layout - avoid at all cost.
They have replaced the <>| key found on the 13" Spectre with a fingerprint reader, placing <>| on L in combination with various combinations of left-FN + left-shift (not right-shift since that is prtsc) + L. It is impossible to use since these three characters are very often used.
I am an experienced typist and can get used to a lot of strange key placements, but this has proven to be impossible. Also, since they have removed keys, there is nothing to remap to.
Again, avoid this laptop if you use any of <>| regularly.
...There's really not a lot on that stylus. From the looks of it, it's exactly the same as the one that came with my Spectre x360 14, which has abysmal precision due to the ridiculous anti-jitter, which likely suggests that the panel had ridiculous jitter to begin with, which needs said ridiculous anti-jitter to mask and cannot be adjusted whatsoever. It makes writing properly effectively impossible, because I lose over 2/3 my writing speed trying to bring the ink where it's supposed to go. Funny the only N-trig/MPP device I found to have a proper inking experience is the 2015 VAIO Z Canvas which itself had the bloated battery issue, not to mention horrendous aftersales.
The defining trait of the Spectre x360 16 is a large 16-inch touchscreen display in a work-friendly 16:10 format (3,072 x 1,920). An input pen (HP Tilt Pen) is included. A 5 MP camera also comes as a plus for video conferencing.