Quote from: janiii on December 06, 2022, 09:22:50Hi Notebookcheck,
danke für den sehr guten Test - ich lese euch inzwischen neben der CB als 2. top Adresse.
was etwas untergeht bzw. mir aus den Verbrauchstest nicht klar wird - was Verbraucht ein System ohne RTX3090 und mit einem Standardboard/Kopmponenten - mir fällt auf dass alle neuen Intel/AMD system superschnell sind aber wenn es um Idle oder Webbrowsing geht beim 10 bis x-fachen eines Notebooks oder Smartphone/Tables sind - da müsste mehr auf die Hersteller gedrückt werden.
Hi Janiii,
I am the original EN author here. Thank you for the encouragement, and hopefully we'll find a place alongside or over CB in your preference list in the near future.
I am not conversant in German, so if I've understood the translation correctly, generally in these kind of tests it is not always possible to establish a very low baseline for total system power consumption. Also, there are no budget or midrange AM5 boards on the market yet.
Though in theory, I do understand why someone would also want to look at power consumption of a midrange board with a low-end card or the iGPU alone. But since these tests are specific to this combination of components, we couldn't use a lowest common denominator.
Idle usage should ideally be even lower, but the BIOS options and other parameters in flagship boards are often set to operate at maximum performance by default. So we will have to tweak many settings in order to achieve very low idle consumption. This might have known/unknown effects on actual benchmarking too, so this is something we usually avoid.