I can only imagine can't wait to get my hands on one.Apple Can Pull Off virtually Any Thing.Apple will be Globally recognized for solving a 42yr mystery. Uniting A Son With his biology father after charges get filed for endangerment neglect false imprisonment with local law enforcement getting charges put on them for trying to hide a Historical Legacy Account Global from the son the benifacary of the estate.Putting the victims life in danger of bodily harm.Staining up his past with lies and trying to steal his future and maybe his life. But because of Apple's Hardware advance in head of it time. It littery lead him [Me] to safety after they were notified using a feature telling them his life was in danger.
New information has now detailed the camera hardware of the iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max. Both models sport new, improved hardware, with three of the phones' four cameras upgrading to bigger CMOS sensors.