Great concept but the reality has been very disapointing. I got one of the recomended shops to fit the kit to save time. The time estimate was about a week and a half to fit, in the end it was about a month. Since fitting, the wheel has detentioned twice, meaning which seems to take 2 or 3 days to fix, plus finding time and method to get the bike to the shop (my tiny car now has many scratches). Also when the wheel fails I am left stuck having to find another form of transport home. I started the process with a functioning bike, since I then I have been able to cycle about half of the time. The boost seems to stop assisting at 40% battery which I am getting the impression from the support is what they would expect. It's quite noisy. The handle bar unit fails to connect every so often, requiring the battery to be removed and put back in. The unit also comes with a flat battery that I had to replace the day after I bought it. All of this seems to be of not much suprise to the support team and I get the impression they think I should be happy with this situation. I should add they have offered to have me post the battery and handle bar unit for inspection but this is even more down time for my bike.
A crowdfunding campaign for the Boost by La Vita e-bike conversion kit is live. The kit includes a rear-wheel mounted motor, battery and smart display. The engine can assist you at speeds up to 15.5 mph (~25 kph) for around 50 km (~31 miles). You can configure settings on the handlebar display or in an accompanying app.