True but let's not forget that HP is that one company that very often omits important information in the spec sheets like the GPU's TDP, the screen's bits and colors coverage as well as many more specs. Also it's that one company, and I talk for experience here, that very often uses crappy and very inadequate thermal solutions for processors that need a lot of cooling (my i7-9750 in a Pavillion Gaming is constantly thermal throttling while gaming). So, while HP has this fantastic video tutorials, there a vast room of improvement on many other aspects
Kudos to HP for the videos, but to be honest enthusiasts kind of filled that gap before, it's silly things like screws hidden behind rubber feet that should disappear...
This is the kind of content we love to see from manufacturers. Accessible guides make it more comfortable for owners to service their own laptops without needing to guess how many screws are involved or if certain upgrades are even possible.