Well, the IdeaPad Flex 5 with the 5700U chip has been going on since march 2022. I'll wait for as long as it takes: I won't be buying an outdated Vega7 thing!
Ryzen 6000 production is still low so that too few models get it. Regardless, offering Ryzen 5000 in a model now means that it will keep it until the next major model revision so that the manufacturer can rip off the uninformed endcobsumers. Such products are designed as rip-offs. Same as with Ryzen 6000 but without immediate full USB 4 support.
Hi, I'm interested in this laptop, but sadly it still has the outdated 5700U chip with the old Vega7 iGPU. I am waiting for Lenovo to refresh it with the new 6xxxU chips, which has to happen sooner or later. Any thoughts on when this refresh could arrive? Thank you.