QuoteKeine höhere Auflösung, höheren Bildwiederholraten or OLED Options
The OLED "option" is definitely not needed today - it is harmful to health/eyes. But the lack of an option with 144-165Hz IPS working at least from a PSU - this, of course, wildly infuriates in all "business" lines without exception. Why do stupid marketers think that a business person, a creator, an engineer, an employee does not need scrolling text without turning it into mush on slow "60Hz" IPS, which really often do not even pull 40fps because have of the monstrous response. Even the "60Hz" class today _must_ have a response of less than 16ms on B2W/G2G and nothing else! It's bad manners to put such slow garbage in laptops in 2022!
All laptops, without exception, today should be sold with panels whose response time does not exceed 16ms B2W/G2G, otherwise you can not even remember more or less clear text in browser or Word scrolling, instead of porridge and not get clear 60fps video without a breakdown in synchronization...