It's no secret that user bench is a notoriously bad source when comparing amd and intel, or amd and nvidia. For whatever reason the people running the site have it out for team red, the 5000 series in near every benchmark and game beats intels 11th gen handily, yet almost all of 11th gen is ranked above almost all of ryzen 5000. The fact that the 5800x3d and 12900ks trade blows yet the the 12900ks is 3-400$ more should be the real take away. If you purely want the best gaming experience while still being budget conscious then the 5800x3d is the route to go. If you want the balls to the walls best system price be damned then go 12900ks. That said, early leaks of zen4 and intels 13th gen have AMD utterly destroying intel and those chips are coming just a bit later this year. If you can wait another 6 months to upgrade or buy, wait.
Userbenchmark used to be a great site. They had a ton of really useful data. Then once Ryzen released and then started taking the fight to Intel, they started attacking AMD products and messing with their algorithm to favor Intel. Suddenly the site was recommending celerons and i3s over i5s and i7s. Then they tried fixing that and things really got wonky.
I'm a firm believer they were either paid or are just a biased fanboy that felt they were in a position of power. Either way they're the laughing stock of the benchmark community.
Every review I've seen has been the same. If you're a gamer looking to upgrade to the best...if you have an AM4 system, get the 5800x3d, if you don't have AM4, then build an Alder Lake's pretty simple. Userbenchmark should be banned from the internet...
User benchmarks is worthless. Whoever runs that website is either paid by Intel or just a moron. Changed the entire algorithm when AMD CPUs started beating Intel, so now the website shows amazing things like some celerons beating decent AMD chips or even high end Intel chips losing to their i3 counterparts. Every review on their website just screams shill, when the 11400F lauched they suddenly said you should get this because it's cheaper than better AMD CPUs (which is good advice, except when the roles were reversed like when everyone recommended the R5 3600 they called it bad because much more expensive Intel chips were better lol).
Let's be honest. After years of lacklustre performance Intel finally came back with a next gen product that best AMDs current gen. Albeit at the expense of power draw.
AMD aren't in a position to launch their own next gen yet. So they've bolted some extra cache onto an existing product to try and stop them losing too much market share before Zen 4 launches.?
And such high power and heat trade off for Intel, not good in this age of energy costs and the amount more heat going to be introduced with RTX40/Lovelace
No one takes UserBenchmark seriously do they? The reviews for all AMD CPU and GPU products are written by the site owner, and all bash AMD. The reviews for Intel and NVIDIA products all spend half their content irrelevantly attacking AMD. UserBenchmark is a completely nonsense site.