Quote from: Ish on August 09, 2021, 16:34:41
So... you guys are removing comments now pointing out that HP business laptops come with spyware that is force installed into your browser even if you use a clean Windows ISO? Please quit using the word "journalism". This is something you guys should be investigating and reporting on especially how easy it is to determine if your laptop has it instead of trying to cover it up for HP. People deserve to know about it before making this purchase. Some people are fine with Windows and Google spying on them, so they rationalize it as, "They already are, so who cares if HP is?" Others actually care about their privacy and refuse to use Windows and Google, and now HP products.
Thanks for pointing this out. I'm very interested in these "features". It's always on my list when deciding what device to buy. It's becoming increasingly harder to find clean devices but most can be disabled or blocked.
I love this review site and they do a good job of analyzing specs but leaving out default software settings that are intrusive should not be ignored. It won't stop me from buying an HP if I can disable it or block it from my router but if not it's usually a hard pass for me. Manufactures have a big in with users and you can't help but let them gather data about their products but as soon as they start expanding that footprint it's in my forever "NO" category, Cheers...