Quote from: EricRed on August 07, 2021, 18:07:19
What a nice cozy pretext for the publicly sanctioned total invasion of privacy and rights by the marxist state, sorry but these phones and other electronics devices have been used for surveillance covertly for years, it's really built into them. Now the trick is the definition changing: "abuse" can be redefined by PTB at will. The old argument "I'm ok with them spying on me because I'm not doing anything wrong" has always been a fools haven. "Wrong" can be literally anything the marxist-bankster-megacorp beast says it means. And the law books are billions of pages long, they can find a violation/"wrong" for pretty much anything. From other spheres we've seen where facts and truth are not allowed by judges if you get my reference, 2+2=5.
Quote from: Blank on August 07, 2021, 01:06:06what you suggest to chop if woman was an abuser?
My only problem is they're not chopping people's dicks off when caught.
Quote from: Blank on August 07, 2021, 01:06:06
My only problem is they're not chopping people's dicks off when caught.