Quote from: Chuck007 on July 29, 2021, 05:59:46
What jurisdiction does the EU have for the UK?
And yet they allowed a Chinese conglomerate to buy UK fabs?
They don't, hence why UK regulators are investigating the deal as well.
EU regulatory bodies are notoriously corrupt, due partly to the backroom haggling nature of how the commissioners are appointed, but mostly because of the huge lobbying operation that goes on in Brussels/Strasbourg.
Not that the UK is much better to be honest.
I don't buy the Telegraph's story anyway, as it's completely lacking any detail and hasn't been reported anywhere else.
Their columnists have taken a totally confused line on the acquisition from the beginning, arguing against it on the basis of "national security" grounds, despite the fact that ARM is currently owned by a Japanese company (which actually has far greater ties to China than Nvidia) and isn't even under British ownership anymore...