Quote from: Harrykonstantinos on February 17, 2021, 22:53:16
I'm far too young to be saying saying "the world's gone mad" this much.
"AMD Fans shouldn't celebrate yet"
First of, what the folk is an "AMD Fan", why would you be a fan of a cpu maker, I'm a fan, a fan of whichever does a better job for the money at a given time. I get you may not like a companies business practices, but let's be honest they're both scum...(rebranding old crap year in year out, shame that had to let an even shittier company take the crown, ala cupertino)
Why would you celebrate, desktop parts are all the same and basically come down to newer compatibility and value, and as great as ryzen 4 was, their lack of oem support meant your choice was abysmal (also, vega...seriously, and why not make a 4 core cpu with vega 16+, could've made a beauty for low cost mobile gaming).
AMD Fans....jesus. I'm looking forward to Alder-lake, all specs show a great move forward (finally) and unlike AMD you might actually get these in laptops. What dumbass actually got happy that it showed a .8ghz clock, since the same logic would suggest that they're releasing a 0.8ghz desktop cpu and a 27.5ghz laptop one....but...BEFORE 'INTEL FANS' START CELEBRATING....