Quote from: Deen0X on January 18, 2021, 09:54:25
About the wake up of the device, is something so typical and easy to solve.
go to device admin, and for gamepad and mouse, disable the feature "allow to wake up the device"
About the keyboard, is the screen touching the keyboard when you're playing? i mean, if you press the screen, is the keyboard touched too?
We tried disabling that and it made no difference. As for the keyboard, the problem is that the sliding screen slides against the touch-sensitive keys, so when you slide the screen up or down, it's pressing all the keyboard keys along the way.
Quote from: George on January 16, 2021, 23:44:23
Unless your unit is faulty, the mouse/gamepad switch should switch the joystick/shoulder buttons to work as a mouse rather than as a controller. From what I've heard it works really well.
Nothing changes about the joystick/shoulder buttons when toggling the mouse/gamepad switch. The joystick acts as arrow keys regardless of the switch setting.
It's still a pre-production unit, so things may change by the time it launches.