Quote from: Codrut Nistor on December 31, 2020, 13:45:27Funny, I was just watching the "Justice League" movie, and there was one scene with the sun close to sunset, camera slowly moving, and there was a strong bright spot moving around as well, exactly like the one in your example.
Well, no problems in daylight. I grabbed Gcam earlier today, version 8.1 seems to be all right but 1X zoom is different from that of the Camera app by Xiaomi and video shooting does not work at all...
Quote from: User65 on December 30, 2020, 16:47:37Seriously??? I thought it's just flare at first, but look at that diagonal line in the night shots. It's more than just lens flare.
It is called the fking lens flare.How did you run this tech related page without knowledge of phone's lens flare.
Quote from: Udar Nasiv on December 30, 2020, 08:51:51There was no cable, unfortunately.
That diagonal line is just a cable that reflects some light.
Quote from: Prince on December 29, 2020, 23:57:53Guess what? I have a bit of an idea...
Hahahaha to stupid phone issue or the user has no idea to use a camera on phone hahahaha is this a joke
Quote from: Andrew C-S on December 29, 2020, 21:18:55Thank you very much for your insight into this!
Funnily enough the moon is out tonight in Southwest England, so I took my Mi10Tpro out and took a few photos. There is lens flare, but not too bad.
However interestingly enough I also took my Huawei Mate 20x with me as well and took shots on this and the Lens glare is the same, no better no worse, the only thing with the Mate 20X is that it has a moon mode that artificially darkens the sky and supposedly enhances the moon to remove the flare, but various people think that Hauwei just overlay an image of the moon through software and what you actually take isn't the real thing.
Quote from: Marco Esteban on December 29, 2020, 17:42:58I am thinking about grabbing a GCam port and play with it as well. Will probably get back to the topic in a week or so, hopefully with good results.
I have both the 9T Pro and the 10T Pro both with the latest GCam port and do not have this issue.
Quote from: splus on December 29, 2020, 17:08:05If it's a hardware issue, such problems often come in batches, not just one or two units. As you can see, with less than 20 comments here, there's at least one user who has the same problem as me.
I have the Mi 10T Pro and I've never noticed such a thing. I just went out in dark and shot some photos of street light in a distance and there are no artifacts.
A friend of mine who takes a LOT of photos and edits them every day with his 10T Pro also never noticed such a thing.
I think you simply have a faulty unit.
Why not ask for a replacement unit from Xiaomi before making pompous claims like the title of this article? You can't assume it's a widespread hardware issue just based on your own phone.