Quote from: PaSaWo on December 02, 2020, 11:14:37
After having purchased the Note 4, and then the Note 8, I am seriously hesitating if I should stick with Samsung...
I am by no means a fanboy of any brand, although I do hate Apple's blatant arrogance and "courage"... But my Note 8 with its SD835 didn't even get the Android 10 update... That's just ridiculous, that phone cost me €1000 and I'm sure a reset and Android 10 update (or 11 for that matter) would still make it a perfectly up to date phone in 2020 (and 2021!).
The cameras are perfectly fine for what any regular user needs, the performance is still fine, the display doesn't get uglier through time, it's got the S pen... Ok, the battery dates the phone quite a lot but eh... What a shame.
If it wasn't for their folding phones, I'd probably not even consider sticking with Samsung for my upgrade in the next couple of months. (Yes they now said they'd offer 3 years of updates on their new phones, that still would leave me stuck on Android 10 now even though the phone works perfectly fine...)
Interesting, I'm on the same model though I bought it for ~$700 and spent ~$300 for a motherboard swap. I don't care that I'm not getting updates, in fact every update worries me that something could break, but I feel that the processor and cameras could really use an update, because Gcam only gets me so far with such an old module(almost the same as the 2015 S6) and the processing really keeps me waiting for every shot. And since it's the first Note after 7, it has an overly conservative battery setup.
I'm not sticking with Samsung though, I'll likely go with Sony, LG or Asus this time for their far better feature set.