Quote from: Andy M on June 01, 2020, 12:54:07
Damn! Did someone die at this location and decided to curse....all the user's phone who would put this place as their wallpaper ?
A wallpaper soft bricking phone ! what a time to be alive !
A precarious situation for sure. There is every possibility that such bugs would be exploited by those putting up seemingly harmless wallpapers for download as the average user might not be aware of such technicalities.
It goes without saying that every smartphone user — iOS, Android, or any other — should ensure that their important data such as contacts, photos, mail, IM, SMS, etc.
are always backed up or synced to a cloud service at all times.
To further avoid remorse, users must make it a habit to check their sync or backup status as frequently as possible as such issues can crop up with any file type.