Quote from: Varun shankar on April 17, 2020, 10:56:00That's a curious way to see this.
Microsoft and Intel are both heavily influenced by Israel. Microsoft will always prefer Intel over AMD. Even at the expense of consumer benefits and true performance. This is sadly how it works and consumers suffer low value stuff sold at sky rocket prices.
Quote from: Ayoh on April 16, 2020, 03:08:55I wholly agree with this. AMD's nailed it this gen, likely retaining the lead until at least Zen 4.
Seems like a pretty lame upgrade with these specs. Same old 14nm++++++ reheated leftovers from Intel. The price seems astronomical too.
Ryzen 4800U 8 core 15W and 2060gtx would have been a very enticing upgrade to rival the Macbook pro. With these specs the only thing that rivals the MB16 is the price
Quote from: Grinnie Jax on April 15, 2020, 12:32:264400u/4500u/4600u/4700u/4800u we can make the best lineup from any of these imho :) just take 3 of 5 and done.
Damn, no Ryzen 4XXX here neither. Would have been perfect with 4900U / 4800U / or even 4900HS / 4800HS, just perfect! But they had to ruin them with outdated Intel's crap.