I don't know why people complain about console with 7+ years of service being expensive at $500 price tag when the phone companies sell devices which expire every 2-3 years at $1000 and rise price every year.
What do everyone of you bell end couch journalists always have to put a variation of the pinch of salt metaphor at the beginning of your articles. Get a life and new career!
If and I know you don't have the specs at all then prove it with the spec sheet if you don't then shut your mouth and don't say anything more about the ps5 until you can prove it
I cant see how ps5 would have 32gig of GDDR6. But I can see a potential cpu @3.7 and instead of 16 they could they could get 18gig of Gddr6 56cu @2ghz the the could easily achieve atleast 13tflops
So if I write another specs, now twice as powerful, for the price of $299 to pastebin, will you also make news of that? I mean it would be as credible so probably true, right?