Quote from: Shepard on March 15, 2020, 19:49:55
To the lost herd: AVX 512 has nothing to do with that result, as 9900ks does not support it. Although Intel does have the single thread performance lead, we are not talking bulldozer level gaps. Actually we do have even AMD leading ST performance for select workloads, but why have passmark selected the least favorable approach to AMD?
Intel does have the single threaded lead, but its solely limited to clock speed and Turbo values. (You can also include potential OC headroom as intel's chip do much better in terms of max frequency all around.)
Ryzen 3000 has higher IPC clock for clock over Skylake, but Skylake on 14++++(do i need more plus'?) clocks much higher and thus has the advantage typically.
The results are obviously skewed in a way that makes intel look better than they actual are. Like.. I'm not disagreeing that a CPU like the 9900KS shouldn't be in the number one spot, but the testing and overall results make no sense.