QuoteHe lied that he was banned by China, but I can still search his name on Baidu, Weibo and bilibili.
I just searched both from New York and Hong Kong VPNs and bilibili tells me "什么都没找到啊T T" (found nothing T T) with no results.
Baidu has results, the top two are pages that criticize him for being anti-semitic. I don't see any of his videos or clips, just pages talking ABOUT him, mostly about how much money he makes.
Weibo I don't immediately see how to search without creating an account.
qq com search redirects to sogou com, which has the same results as Baidu.
v.sogou com results in "抱歉!未为您找到"pewdiepie"的相关作品" with no results.
sohu com search also redirects to sogou com
If I use bing or google to search "pewdiepie bilibili" (without quotes) I find some links to videos on bilibili, either his original videos, or other videos like memes that mention him. Again, I could not find these videos by using bilibili's own search tool, although the videos have his name in the title.
Search baidu for "pewdiepie bilibili" (no quotes) and you get "很抱歉,没有找到与"pewdiepie bilibili"相关的网页。" (no related pages found)
Given these tests it looks certain that search results for "pewdiepie" are being manipulated on Chinese websites. Please check again, Wade.