Mobile is no longer a means of mourning or states. The utility of mobile has increased in every field. New features in the camera are also proving useful. That is why mobile sales are increasing.The mobile company that understands this, the mobile is able to attract customers by adding new features. However, Asus company could not understand this, so it was lagging behind in the Indian market.
major device makers that actually expected camera features to help boost marketing & sales are just plain silly.
the average consumer wants photo-taking options but they want an overall class-leading device. adding ridiculous amounts of lenses or lens shape configurations are just gimmicks to distract from an otherwise basic phone device at best.
We already liked the predecessor of the Motorola Moto G8 Plus due to its good camera performance. With the successor, the camera concept has been revised, but this hasn't only led to improvements. This is a summary of our test results.