Quote from: Herman on November 18, 2019, 15:35:39
If you've actually played it, you'd know it's NOT "a mistake". AoE III is a ridiculously deep game, and it is also a perfect fusion of AoE and Warcraft 3. End of discussion.
Moving on, and this is for those smarter than the average reader of the American "game journalism" press... There's three things that AoE III does to entertain you: conditional maps; leveling up your nation; and HILARIOUS ragdoll.
You can "arrive" on a map during winter time without knowing. Gain game-breaking cards with your town going into level 25 and 40. And last but not least, build artillery, and lots of it. It will send people flying.
P. S.: not to mention it's a very high quality product, from coding to sound design. They don't make 'em like they used to - in 2005.
Haha, I played it for some time and generally liked it. When I first tried it back in primary school it was too hard for me, when I went back to it a decade later it was pretty decent(entirely subjective, I'm no critic), and yes the ragdoll was fun.
Speaking of games in that era, Nexus was probably my favorite, and one of my all-time favorites, shame a few years ago a kickstarter for a reboot failed. Both Nexus and AoEIII had graphics far ahead of their time IMO.