Quote from: JohnST on September 04, 2019, 00:24:13
Does Dell have a 2200 dollar laptop screen that has 225 threads and 57% sRGB? It's 2019 !! You won't remember this fact in the final verdict? This does not seem objective to me!
exactly. but this is a common problem for ALL reviewers. i never heard "dont buy this s***", always "well..something here something there maybe better maybe i prefer that..slightly..not sure "
i never heard "50db is 3 times louder than 40db. just think of it, 2 fps less/3 times quieter or 2 fps more/3 times louder? everyone who choose the option with more fps is an idiot"
229 nits is acceptable only for cheapest home machines.
there are no reasons to buy a 2k+ buisiness machine with such screen. all the features and options and advantages doesnt matter at all.