Quote from: Gingerbread on June 11, 2019, 02:05:10
Don't ever buy Dell laptops. I have XPS 13 that keeps waking up from sleep and Dell support has been useless. I've tried following every guide Google showed me. OSX is flawless in that regard. I love Windows but having to constantly worry if my laptop is gonna turn on in my bag or not. Going back to Macbook when I'm done with this laptop.
Are you a paid Mac fangirl trolling here? Its one thing if you think Dell sucks... but I've only ever used Windows laptops and NEVER had a single one of them turned on power by itself. For the record, I've used/owned (whether personal or employer provided) Dell (many years ago), Toshiba, ASUS, Acer etc. etc. for that matter.
Don't generalise by making assumptions that only Mac crap have no problems. Unless you have been living in a cave, there are MacOS vulnerabilities galore and hardware issues like butterfly keyboard issues, screen hinge connector, overheating & exploding issues a plenty.