Quote from: uPanda on February 19, 2017, 13:02:38
I'm the one who wrote this reddit post
That, again, does not mean it is true. ...
So, before buying anything, I would advise to wait for actual benchmarks and reviews of the laptops.
Thanks for digging that list from Dell uPanda. I looked but wasn't able to find a twitter post from them, so I assume this was a DM. I am well aware how difficult they are to work with ...and how inaccurate Dell reps can be. Hopefully, we'll find the information proves true. You certainly posed a very useful question to them.
My own difficulties with Dell / Alienware have now connected me with a special team trying to resolve terrible factory issues many of us encountered last December. I've spent around 20 hours and am still helping them clear up misinformation. But at least, I'm working with better trained sales reps. Just now, I've been told my rep has found some "new source" for technical details other than pre-sales. Hopefully it will prove more fruitful and might answer some of these mysteries..