QuoteOverall, 90% of the sRGB color space are covered, although the possible colors that can be displayed (over 893,000) are quite close to the figure the sRGB color space offers.
This is incorrect. First of all, the sRGB color space does not define any number of colors within its three primaries. sRGB defines the chromaticity coordinates of its primaries. The number of possible colors which a laptop panel can produce is defined by the color model the system uses. Most PCs use the RGB color model with 24-bit colors (8 bits per channel) which means 256 colors per channel. The total number of color in this case is 256^3 = 16777216.
In this case the panel can cover 90% of the sRGB color triangle. Whether or not the panel can produce larger color gamut than the sRGB, the number of possible colors is always dependent on the color model.
Please correct this. ;)