@tybur, the video shows four colling fans under the bed, and then a dump and scrape motion. As long as the model can withstand the dump/drop, and the pei plate releases once cooled, it should be ok. It the model is delicate or holds on even when cool, it could get messy
I need for context for anyone who needs it.The build area of this is the size of cryoday's k one, like the standard k one.It's like a very normal build size, so it's kind of impressive if they can actually pull this off.But there are reasons why I don't really understand how it will go.
Like removing a model from the build plate is not as simple as just grabbing it and pulling it off. you need a different technique to remove different types of things. And I'm assuming this is going to do one way which is either to let it cool and then when it contracts, you hope. That it comes off easily. Or you heat it so much that it's easy to pull it off.But then that'll warp it.So I don't really get it
The Vertigo MK1 is a new 3D printer that aims to both automate and simplify the printing process, providing continuous output and reducing the need for constant maintenance. It is also advertised as being user friendly, so the machine is unlikely to pose any challenges for beginners.