I have a 2017 S with FSD. I have the basic first FSD update and nothing else in a year. Even though the features proclaim I have all the needed packages for FSD, I think they are just trying to wait me out.
FSD 12.3 is the worst update I've seen yet! It drives worse then a 16 y.o. who just got their license. It hugs either the left or right side of the lane sometimes to close for comfort. It can't maintain cruising speed and has no ability to switch back from FSD to traffic aware cruze control. It misses turns and exits. It still tries to drive through red lights... upon complaining I was told tesla can not or will not flash me back an older version of the software my only choice at this point is to wait for them to fix the new array of problems it has with another update which can't come soon enough!
The author of this article has subpar reading comprehension. Sorry, not an insult, just a fact. It is not FSD V12 that is being emulated. The software is emulating HW3 hardware with HW4 cars. FSD is running full featured and normally on HW4. Down the road, FSD will indeed take advantage of HW4. For now, all Teslas with HW3 or HW4 are getting the same FSD.