The 3D Elvis will be holographically projected onto a real stage coupled with theater and sensory effects that help heighten the sense of realism.
No he won't because that's not how holograms work. No one had ever managed to create a "projected 3D hologram" because it would require photons to make turns in mid-space which is literally impossible. You can make a hologram that you can look at from one angle because that's just wavefront reconstruction.
In fact, if you go to their actual website, you can see that their hook is mixed reality headsets. Not one example of this "volumetric hologram" they claim they use.
Seriously - anyone who actually figures out a way to do this for real is an instant billionaire.
Elvis is returning to the stage thanks to Layered Reality's technological magic combining AI, AR, ML, holographic projection, and more. The first 3D concert is planned for November 2024 in Central London.