Quote from: NikoB on August 04, 2022, 13:04:00Unless of course it is full of 80gbit/s in 7xxx. But to serve such a port, you need a memory at least 100, but rather 120GBytes/s throughput. Otherwise, 8k monitors will lag, how 4K monitors lag when connecting to igpu on single-channel mode..
I think you're confusing bits and bytes here. You don't need 120 GBytes/s memory to feed an 80 GBits/s port.
Plus, even DDR4 is capable of 3200 MTransfers/s × 64 bits/Transfer = 204.8 Gbits/s _per channel_, so memory speed hasn't been the bottleneck for quite a while. You wouldn't be able to _much_ at 8k 80Gbps with only one 200 Gbps DDR4 memory channel, but it would successfully drive the display.
DDR5 and GDDR6 are each faster again, so from a pure _memory bandwidth_ point of view, it'll be fine.
Driving 8k from an iGPU showing anything but a static image though will be tough as it takes a stupid amount of processor power to render an image of that size. That is of course unrelated to memory bandwidth.