I have the Cubot King Kong, and the tiny size really fit to me, it's a micro phone, with which I can text, read my mails, sharing my connection to my bigger Poco X9 with the one I take pictures.
For SMS, Facebook, calls, sharing connection and mailing each day, the battery take a week without restriction and it's a topic maker too ! "Wooo ! What is that tiny phone you have ?" Yeah, I'm in 2003 when we could sit down with our phone in our pocket, I know, I know...
Am I the only one to realize the article is referencing at least 2 different phones without making a distinction? This is poor writing with negligible research. Stop publishing crap articles.
I was interested in this to potentially replace my PALM companion, until I saw the screen is significantly worse. The palm has a smaller 3.3 inch higher resolution 720p HD display, which meets the criteria for Apple's retina classification.
Cubot has started selling the Pocket, a miniature smartphone running Android 11. Measuring 119 x 58 x 12.5 mm, the Cubot Pocket has a 4-inch display, 4 GB of RAM and 64 GB of expandable storage. Cubot sells the Pocket through Amazon and AliExpress in three colours.