It could still mean that it makes a nice back, as long as their API is fully exposed to Gcam(depends on their conscience, really). Even OOCJPG from Gcam leaves a lot of room for improvement by processing the DNG through LR instead.
Quote from: mixedfish on May 25, 2021, 05:23:09
DxO is a compromised website. Their reviews no longer reflect the real world usage, just simply how much they are paid. There is completely no way those Chinese manufacturers could've dominated all the other brands with zero experience with cameras.
But why stop at DxO, how many other review sites have been writing fake reviews about other phones?
I've been a long time amateur photographer, I know what a reference camera shot looks like. It was strange whenever I see some reviews floating around saying how good the photos look but to me was evidently of poor quality.
True. I now only go to Anandtech and GSMA for full sized samples. Generally a knowledgeable person could reach conclusions with those. There have been arguments against that too as the samples would not reflect subsequent firmware updates, but that stands for every single review on earth. Nothing could always reflect the latest software changes pushed OTA.