Quote from: dthrp on October 18, 2017, 10:00:06
- All else aside I am disappointed we don't get a Full HD screen option because -
scaling issues and battery life.
Quote from: Patric on October 18, 2017, 01:19:03
WTF 16GB.... This is certainly the (almost) perfect notebook currently, apart from a few problems:
- completely glued together, so forget repairing that thing
- they *had* quality problems in the past, let's hope they're fixed now
- no thunderbolt, not external monitor connection AFAICS
- the worst: only 16GB in the 15" model. WTF!
- last but not least: the price. OMG
Believe me: I would have bought this thing despite the glue and price, but not with 16GB. Why do they have to use LPDDR3 instead of DDR4?