I recently heard that this notebook has some problems with a small delay in the touchpad. Is that a very noticeable problem and when yes, is there a chance that this will be fixed by a driver update?
Maybe your tool compared the size of the color spaces (which would be incorrect)? This could explain your higher values. As you can see in the screenshots in the article, there are some parts of the UX32LN colorspace, that are outside the sRGB/AdobeRGB space.
I downloaded .icm profile from article and calculate intersection gamut of display with sRGB and AdobeRGB color spaces, results 88.8% sRGB and 64.89% AdobeRGB (in article 78% sRGB and 58% AdobeRGB).
The predecessor, UX32VD, very often had a much annoying problem of really noisy fans (just read: http://forum.notebookreview.com/asus/687758-asus-ux32a-fan-goes-off-off.html). I had the problem too, but 'great' and 'qualified' ASUS service denied it completely despite of the issue was absolutely clear. UX32LN has mostly the same structure, so I really doubt they solve it. Be aware of that!
The power consumption is impressive. I would jump after this Ultrabook, if it would have an mSata connector near the regular HDD connector. Could it take 9.5mm drives or only 7mm?