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Posted by George
 - July 03, 2024, 03:04:11
Quote from: Richard24 on July 03, 2024, 01:42:09To full enjoy the experience, people need a joystick that of course is not included in the handheld. Play serious game in touchscreen is a mess

Now there's one of the problems right there - a 'non mobile/handheld' game on a handheld device.

Sure, sometimes the internal gyro can be used as a movement joystick - other times not so much. Then there's all those 'pesky buttons' gamers are used to that now have to be a touch button on the screen...

YES folks have shelled out large $$ for even Gameboy games (back in the day) so it really is not the form factor that is at fault here.

Then again, if you've already played it on a system that was designed for gaming, why would you get it AGAIN for a phone or tablet?
Posted by Richard24
 - July 03, 2024, 01:42:09
To full enjoy the experience, people need a joystick that of course is not included in the handheld. Play serious game in touchscreen is a mess
Posted by bdead
 - July 02, 2024, 13:46:59
Quote from: DavidC1 on July 02, 2024, 00:00:22Oh, let me think, who wants to pay $50 to play on a Tablet with a crappy controller and a small screen? If any of the executives thought they were making bank with this, then they are braindead.
yeah lol nintendo switch wouldn't sell ever then
you are the one braindead

these games are s***, thats it. ubisoft = no buy. DEA re remake = no buy. star rail sells like hot cakes meanwhile. old GTA sells like hot cakes.
Posted by DavidC1
 - July 02, 2024, 00:00:22
Possible reasons? Possible reasons?!

Oh, let me think, who wants to pay $50 to play on a Tablet with a crappy controller and a small screen? If any of the executives thought they were making bank with this, then they are braindead.

It should have been $4.99, at the most. It is software right? Copy and paste and costs zero to ship.
Posted by Redaktion
 - July 01, 2024, 19:27:16
AAA games like Assassin's Creed Mirage and Resident Evil 4/Village have struggled to gain a strong foothold in the iOS market as a recent report has claimed that the titles have not sold well. For instance, users have apparently bought Assassin's Creed Mirage less than 3,000 times since the game's launch.