Very good review, i got here by i was reading the Alienware Area51M review and i saw the Eurocom Skyx7C mentionned a few times, it did pick my curiosity.
"All benchmarks and measurements below were performed with the system set to High Performance mode unless otherwise stated. We want to show off the system at its fastest even if that means having the fans at maximum RPM."
This is a quote from the Area51M review and i was wondering if all test are conducted the same way on all machines? Since it was specified in a particular review does it imply it is not a regular occurrence?
If indeed the Eurocom was not set to maximum from the get go and there is still room to overclock both CPU and GPU then i wonder what is the point of the Alienware at all if its not simply for the look. Been playing with the configs of both machines respective online configurations and the Sky x7C is easily half the price with an average of -10% in performance (assuming both machine are at max capacity).