Microsoft should just kill Edge and IE. If they want to be in the browser market, do what everyone else is doing. Get on the bandwagon of an open source engine like Gecko or Webkit and either use that or make your own fork that is compatible.
Google chose to use Webkit and fork a compatible engine called Blink. Opera who had their own proporietary engine dumped it in favor of making their browser on top of Blink.
We don't need proporietary engines for the web. We need more centralized development of the web. And developing for Edge/IE has always been a pain. I mean at the very least seek compatibility like Mozilla does with FireFox. But no, MS ignores everyone else so every time someone developers for Chrome/Safari/FF they tend to work well across 99% of the time but doesn't work on IE/Edge and needs more effort which is annoying.
Edge isn't even that good of a browser, so not sure why they keep insisting on using it.