@Thin & Light Garbage:
"(You weren't really aware of it, because you said 4K gaming would be possible at High Details with a 980M, which I then showed you was not possible.)"
^ Yes, I was aware of it. I wanted to know the performance of a 980M on 4k. This includes its graphical performance in games as well as editing 4k videos and photo editing software rendering. It is definitely not the same as "4K gaming would be possible at High Details with a 980M". Stop putting words in my mouth, and forming incorrect conjectures from your personal misinterpretations.
"You asked me about why 1080p on a 4K screen is going to look worse than 1080p on a 1080p screen. Even with the 4K screen being a perfect multiple of 1080p, due to the way the pixels are mapped it won't maintain the same clarity, there is still a level of 'approximation' that occurs, it doesn't just multiply each pixel by 4 like you might expect. This has also been reported in forums where people have compared a native 1080p image vs a 1080p image displayed on a 4K screen. An enthusiast on notebookreview forums who had looked into the technical details of 1080p being displayed on 4K explained that it's not the simple quadrupling of pixels that you would expect - if it did that then it would look the same as native 1080p, which would have been OK. He used a specific technical term to describe the process of this upscaling, which I can't remember now, but it involved approximation & averaging within the upscaling process which resulted in some blurriness being introduced into the image in comparison to a native 1080p image. Long & short of it is that 1080p image looks better on a 1080p screen than it does on a 4K screen, and for a gaming laptop so it would follow a 1080p screen would be the best buy for most people."
^ Your argument has a fallacy of circular reasoning: Since a 1080p image looks better on a 1080p screen than a 4k one (you still don't have a technical argument for this LOL), it follows that 1080p gaming sequence also automatically looks better. Ridiculous actually, considering that motion blur effect makes it look the same. The background visuals are on a completely different level when playing at 4k. Your argument lacks authenticity and only depicts quite clearly that you haven't played at 4k yourself. As such, I don't think you're qualified to comment about 4k gaming.
Additionally, you jump to conclusions too quickly, without gathering all the knowledge necessary to make a sound and balanced judgement. It is quite obvious to me that your judgement can be deemed 'irrational' and hence has zero value on a tech website.
That's exactly what I find so ridiculous. It seems people don't think that they can dial down the settings at 4k as well. On top of that, they have an unhealthy obsession for 60fps. Seriously, I once encountered a dumbass who was moaning about how his machine plays Bioshock Infinite at "only 55fps", LOL.