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Sony Xperia 1 VII and Xperia 10 VII may face bleak outlook in 2025

Started by Redaktion, February 03, 2025, 17:42:31

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The outlook for Sony and its cherished Xperia lineup in 2025 has been described as "bleak" by a known leaker of the brand. Sony only released the Xperia 1 VI and Xperia 10 VI in 2024, so such a comment should be worrying to Xperia fans. Not only that, an unofficial wish-list for the Xperia 1 VII has been completely disparaged.

Gary Smith

This saddens me but I can't say I'm surprised. Sony, with it's hardware expertise, manufacturing capabilities, sleek design capabilities and other resources always had the potential to build up its phone brand as a real contender to Samsung in the Android market but it always seemed to simply lack the will to invest the resources to do so. For a long time now Sony's phones have felt like an afterthought, with insufficient resources dedicated to them, nearly non-existent marketing, no drive to get partnered with a carrier... The writing has been on the wall for a while


Da muß ich mich meinem Vorredner leider anschließen. Dennoch fände ich es durchaus sinnvoll, wenigstens das kompakte Xperia 10 mit dem Mark VII als Mittelklasse-Phone weiterzuführen, welches mit den Eigenschaften seines Vorgängers, wie Zuverlässigkeit, Robustheit, langer Akkulaufzeit und geringem Gewicht zwischen den Konkurrenten zu einem erschwinglichen Preis glänzen kann. Sehr wünschenswert wäre bei einem Anbieter wie Sony allerdings ein erweitertes Nachhaltigkeitsdenken, was das Sicherheits- und Update-Versprechen betrifft. 3-4 Jahre sind bei Weitem nicht mehr zeitgemäß. Ideen, wie man das 10 VII durch weitere Futures qualitativ etwas aufwerten und dennoch unter der magischen 500€-Grenze bleiben könnte, wurden bereits in mehreren Foren von potenziellen Käufern zu Hauf erwähnt.


Unfortunate, I like the shape of Sony phones, their overall style appeals to me. Was hoping to see an Xperia 10 VII this year.


Sure xperia selling points:
1. Hdr hi res raw capable all 3 cameras,
2. Foldable,
3. Automatic electronic ND, removable IR filter, Night full spectrum AI recolored shots,
4. Play Anywhere app for non-PS owners,
5. No compromises in sensor size in all cameras.


With a specs I mentioned, I would even pay 3000euro, since all that specs together are worth that much.


Quote from: Vrvly on February 04, 2025, 16:12:05With a specs I mentioned, I would even pay 3000euro, since all that specs together are worth that much.
Hier ging es um den bevorstehenden Wegfall des Xperia 10, welches ein erschwingliches Mittelklasse-Smartphone und damit unterhalb des Xperia 1 angesiedelt bleiben sollte...


with such specs for such price, is anyone surprised. the 10 VI could've saved the mid segment but they really went stingy on the features. the update policy is also laughable


Always loved xepria. Sleet, clean minimalist. Even with minimal upgrades they weren't that bad.

I swear xperias failing was 25% due to low investment, but 75% the atrocious nomenclature.

First "z5 premium". Premium is only used by tacky brands for things that are anything but. "Premium" lager anyone?

Then the incomprehensible X nonsense

Any then THIS!? Xperia 1-2, the 5-3 the 10-1. Which is better a 5-3 or a 1-2. I'm a nerd and I don't know.

Nomenature and branding sell a phone as much as hardware, More so sometimes. I mean Z fold5 alongside s24 rather than just fold 24 is dumb ( also it should've been Galazy 'V' fold, because it represents the shape, and Z should've been kept for tri-fold) but nothing beats Sony.

Literally every company needs to fire the people naming their junk. They have people inventing AI that edits photos on the fly, and then they pay similar salary's to people to name s××t, and THEYRE the ones who fail at their jobs!?


Japanese stubbornness at its finest.

If Sony's other businesses were not doing well, the Xperia division would have folded like LG long ago.

Keep burning money by releasing more Xperia phones. Even Sharp has sold more Android phones than Sony in their home territory Japan.

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