don't you people know how to use google? jeez its 2024 not 1997
*edit - nice one notbookchat ... no links really? great job there*
just google xda developers enable hp sync on samsung galaxy watch
(hint: it can be done on other versions not just 4 ... but again, you have to read and learn for yourself)
its not .... crazy accurate. you could use it as a gauge though. know what your "watch base" is and then you could track it to see if its increasing or decreasing. however, if it tells you 132/78 .... its probably not 132/78. it could be 122/81 or 145/92. but if it was 118/70 for the last reading and now its 132/78 you could ask yourself: did i do anything to raise it up N number of points? i wouldn't use it for anything more than this. as another poster pointed out; the ECG / BP / other health data on these apps and rings (of any brand) should not be taken as exact readings like that of a certified BP cuff, pulse oximeter, or other healthcare technology one would find in a hospital or physician office.