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Chip developed that receives 5G and future 6G four times better

Started by Redaktion, July 01, 2024, 19:35:47

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More smart devices, mobile communications and autonomous driving: Fast and reliable data transmission at all times is becoming increasingly important, which is becoming more and more of a challenge.


Incredible, many areas still do not have 5G and we are already going for 6G, which will be a revolution and will possibly eliminate all the cables that we have connected to our laptop and of course an improvement in coverage for new mobile phones.


Quote from: julia_top on July 02, 2024, 12:44:33Incredible, many areas still do not have 5G and we are already going for 6G, which will be a revolution and will possibly eliminate all the cables that we have connected to our laptop and of course an improvement in coverage for new mobile phones.

Actually - no. 5G has a much shorter range than 4G.

Thus it requires much more 5G towers to get the same coverage as 4G. If you want to cover a large area with mobile internet, it would be better to use 4G than 5G.

It also doesn't help if "the chip receives 4 times better": 5G wavelengths have a range of about 1,000 feet, not even 2% of 4G's range.
So even if you take the 2% x 4 you still only have 8% of the 4G range.


Just keep this in mind whenever you read: "Study says 'should be' xx better."

Wash Post: "5G was an overhyped technology bust. Let's learn our lesson."

IEEE Spectrum: "5G Networks Are Performing Worse. What's Going On?"

Wired: "As 5G Rolls Out, Troubling New Security Flaws Emerge"

Etc, etc, etc.... I'm no Luddite, 4G is better what came before it, but I try not to fall for all the 'Hype' either.

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