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Cybertruck recall again reveals production numbers less than half of Musk's 2,500 units per week end-year goal

Started by Redaktion, June 26, 2024, 20:06:28

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Tesla has officially recalled every Cybertruck it has produced so far, owing to a failing windscreen wiper motor that has caused concern for more than one owner caught in heavy rain. As it turns out, the American EV maker has barely managed to make 3,900 Cybertrucks per month since the last recall in April — less than half of its production target for the end of 2024.

Marc G

With this news, perhaps Tesla will offer Elon Musk another multi-billion dollar bonus. I mean it does seem as if they do live in opposite world where Musk can fail at something and yet be rewarded for it.

Ken C

This seems more like a dig at Elon. When ford recalled all the F150s I never heard mention of the CEO once. You finally have an American made vehicle by Americans and tools like you are bashing it. Learn journalism, there's a difference between opinion and news. Also, I do not own a Tesla.


Please... how many Rivians have been produced? How many Lucid cars have been produced? What are their weekly rates? This truck is seriously one of the most advanced vehicles vehicles ever produced... ride in one,  then you'll know... Tesla is leading the charge into the future.  Every other vehicle they have produced,  though initially flawed, has become more reliable than most other vehicles sold these days, including ICE vehicles.  The cybertruck will be no different.

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