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Apple faces fine in the billions: EU investigates alleged violations of Digital Markets Act

Started by Redaktion, June 22, 2024, 05:40:14

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The European Commission is accusing Apple of having violated the rules of the Digital Markets Act, which could potentially result in a fine of over EUR 30 billion for the iPhone manufacturer.


Poor EURSS, that's all they are capable of... regulating and fining enterprise instead of actually innovating and actually doing something.


Quote from: toto1234 on June 22, 2024, 07:47:42Poor EURSS, that's all they are capable of... regulating and fining enterprise instead of actually innovating and actually doing something.

Like so many Apple fanboys / -girls, you confuse innovation with violating human dignity, human freedom, democracy, state under the rule of law and non-monopolistic market. Apple plays getting butthurt and blames the EU instead of simply designing according to the laws. Apple knew that the Digital Markets Act was coming and has had the ressources to design and program accordingly but again chose to prefer US customers over EU customers also WRT to supported AI language capabilities. Apple innovation reaches the EU when Apple learns that it is not above the law and not countrary to endconsumer interests.


Music to my ears,

A greedy monopoly abusing rat from the Utterly Shameless Abusers (USA) is lashed back to its place, head inside the sewerage.


Apple and the EU governing body have more in common than people realize. About the only entity more evil is Google.


It was likely Apple's strategy all along - implement DMA provisions in a most onerous way possible. Expect a fine to be doled out. And then to litigate it in courts to find the leanest concessions they need to implement in order to comply.


So much appears to be wrong here. The headline says "in the billions," then the article says "almost EUR 1 billion," but the math works out to EUR 0.0492 billion (EUR 49.2 million; $383.29 billion = EUR 359.24 yearly / 365 days = EUR 0.98 billion daily * 5%).


Quote from: anan on June 26, 2024, 09:12:36It was likely Apple's strategy all along - implement DMA provisions in a most onerous way possible. Expect a fine to be doled out. And then to litigate it in courts to find the leanest concessions they need to implement in order to comply.

No, their arrogance just made them dumb. How the fines work is that for every day they aren't compliant, they face more fines. The longer they litigate, the more fines they face

The best way to reduce your fines in EU courts is show you actually tried. But with the malicious compliance they are doing, no court is going to show leniency

On top of that, just because you were found violating DMA for 12 issues, doesn't mean there aren't 20 more issues. So Apple may strike down 6 of the 12 spending billions, only to right after be hit with another fine for 12 more issues

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