A lot of disinformation is actually just people's opinions, and should be treated as such, even so called experts are all biased or self interested these days, pretty much anything can be skewed to look like anything these days
I've also noticed a sharp rise in self importance and narcissism since the advent of social media - source...my observations.....
As for climate change, it is happening and it is a natural process as the Earth goes from ice age to ice age, but, we are probably speeding it up, anyone who denies this is either blind, naive, or a bit thick.
There are well known cycles that are known to cause the Earth's ice ages, and the Earth has been hotter than it is now many times, but that doesn't mean that we aren't having an affect.
The effect of greenhouse gases is easy to simulate and measure so again, I would say anyone who can't understand this needs to read more.
All planetary systems do rely on equilibriam and it doesn't take much to start something that is irreversible, so be very careful is my advice, do try to reduce your consumption and carbon output.
Humans are not very intelligent, choosing to destroy one's own environment, food sources, water sources etc, in the name of short term financial gain is a carbuncle i'm afraid, and this can only be resolved with a form socialism/communism, but implemented in a way that it has not been in the past.
Personal gratification, ego, and the selfish pursuit of personal wealth will inevitably be our undoing otherwise.